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A lady feeds her son in South SudanA lady feeds her son in South Sudan

South Sudan Hunger Appeal

Single donation
can provide three weeks of therapeutic food for a malnourished child to get them on the road to recovery and vital cash transfers for their family to buy food

You can help displaced families in South Sudan to provide for their children in a country that has been devastated by heavy rains and severe flooding. 

Across South Sudan, entire communities have been cut off, with roads washed away and livelihoods destroyed overnight by powerful flood waters, leaving people desperate and under the constant threat of starvation and water-borne disease.

The climate crisis continues to play havoc in a country that was once home to prosperous farm lands. 

Now, however, two-thirds of the population are facing crisis levels of food insecurity, or worse.

More than 1.6 million children are at risk of malnutrition and disease, as new rains fall before previous flood waters have had a chance to recede.

It is a desperate situation, but you can help.

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Nyanuba's story

Nyanuba Gatluak once led a comfortable life with her husband and children in South Sudan.

The owned a small farm where they grew crops, and had more than 30 cows. 

However, that all changed when the rains came. Despite the best efforts of the people in Nyanuba's village, they were overpowered by the flooding and lost everything.

For days, Nyanuba pulled her children through the floodwaters until they reached the safety of an administration area. However, after a month, further flooding forced them to flee again.

Nyanuba and her son Mawich
Nyanuba and her son Mawich in an IDP site in Unity State. Photo: Ajak Parek / Concern Worldwide.

When Nyanuba arrived at the IDP site, she knew her youngest son Mawich was unwell and he was assessed by visiting outreach workers from Concern. 

They diagnosed Mawich, just eight months old, with malnutrition and referred Nyanuba and her son to a clinic to receive the emergency therapeutic food he needed.

Thankfully, Mawich received the urgent treatment he needed, attending the clinic for two months until clinic staff were satisfied with his progress. 

However, Nyanuba and her family are unable to return home and so they remain in a displacement area to be close to humanitarian aid. Without an income to provide for her family, Nyanuba sells firewood from the nearby flooded forest. 

She remains in close contact with the health clinic, ensuring her youngest son remains healthy through regular follow-up treatments.

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Urgent support is needed

Humanitarian needs in South Sudan are rising all the time, and the risk of starvation will only keep growing without the intervention of organisations like Concern.

As well as the untold damage to communities as a result of the climate crisis, the country is also coping with the fallout from a break in the oil pipeline in Sudan, a rapidly depreciating currency and rising inflation, and the influx of people fleeing the Sudan crisis across the border.

The situation in South Sudan is growing ever more desperate, but every donation received can bring hope to people like Nyanuba, people who are looking to rebuild their lives and keep their children safe in the most difficult of circumstances.

Please give what you can today.

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