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Supply chains

We use standard supply chain management procedures for the distribution of all goods and services to support our work.

We try to innovate, collaborate and share resources with partner organisations to maintain supply chains that are efficient and economical. The sourcing of material, aid, and goods is carried out following standard processes that are as fair and transparent as possible.

Concern has established procurement policies and a code of conduct that its suppliers must adhere to at all times. Contracted suppliers have an obligation to accept our purchasing terms and conditions.

Codes and policies

Concern Procurement Terms and Conditions

Our Procurement Terms and Conditions provides clear guidance on what we expect from our suppliers.

Concern Purchasing Policy

Concern Worldwide Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

Current tender opportunities

CONCERN Lebanon: Request for Quotation for an Electrical Forklift and Pallet Wrapping Machine for UNHCR Minieh Warehouse, North Lebanon

Concern Lebanon, funded by UNHCR, is currently managing a UNHCR warehouse in North Lebanon. In an effort to enhance warehouse operations and streamline logistical processes, Concern Lebanon is seeking to purchase an electrical forklift and a pallet wrapping machine. These equipment will significantly improve the efficiency and safety of warehouse operations, ensuring smoother handling, storage, and transportation of goods. This RFQ invites suppliers to submit their proposals for the provision of the aforementioned equipment.

Interested suppliers can request the RFQ document through

•            RFQ Reference: RFQ-4549 – Forklift & Pallet Wrapping Machine

•            Deadline Date: 06 December 2024, 01:00 P.M., Beirut (GMT+2)


With funding from all relevant donors and as part of its development and emergency programmes in Ethiopia, Concern Worldwide is seeking to contract the services of legally registered vehicle rental companies in Ethiopia. Successful companies may be issued with a 12 moth framework agreement to supply vehicles as and when required. Tenderers may bid on the following LOTS or all LOTS. Please see attached paperwork below for further information.

•            Tender Reference: IFB 07-2024 – Vehicle Rental

•            Deadline Date: 01 January 2025, 10:00 AM, Addis Ababa (GMT+3)

CONCERN Lebanon: Request for Quotation for a Forklift (Gas/Fuel) and Pallet Wrapping Machine for UNHCR Minieh Warehouse, North Lebanon

Concern Lebanon, funded by UNHCR, is currently managing a UNHCR warehouse in North Lebanon. In an effort to enhance warehouse operations and streamline logistical processes, Concern Lebanon is seeking to purchase an forklift (Gas/Fuel) and a pallet wrapping machine. These equipment will significantly improve the efficiency and safety of warehouse operations, ensuring smoother handling, storage, and transportation of goods. This RFQ invites suppliers to submit their proposals for the provision of the aforementioned equipment.

Interested suppliers can request the RFQ document through

•            RFQ Reference: RFQ-4549 – Forklift & Pallet Wrapping Machine

•            Deadline Date: 23 December 2024, 10:00 A.M., Beirut (GMT+2)

Our impact in 2023

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people reached through our emergency response

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health interventions

2.3 M icon
2.3 M

people reached through our livelihoods programmes

People gather with jerrycans and other containers to collect water from a tanker cistern in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

Gaza Crisis Appeal

  • Half the population of Gaza facing famine

  • 1.9 million people displaced

  • Over 50,000 children under age of 5 acutely malnourished

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