Read our 2023 annual report

Knowledge Hub
Here are testimonials from the many friends and supporters of Concern Worldwide across the globe.

I just want to say how proud I am of...Concern and other NGOs that have stepped into the breach… The staff is doing work that I would only describe as heroic.

To the people at the receiving end of your help, you have been a welcome, even a miraculous friend on the ground as well as a formidable champion in high places where policies and plans are made that impact directly and indirectly on the everyday lives of the poorest.

It’s remarkable that Concern…[has] been here for 20 years [and has] been doing very good work, at quite a bit of risk for themselves…Concern has great trust here in Somalia.

Since your founding, you have taken your mission around the world, helping the poorest and making real improvements to people’s lives…I thank everyone who has worked with you to alleviate hunger, to reduce poverty and to bring hope and dignity to some of the poorest people in the world.

It was a trip … to Ethiopia to see what Concern was doing … where I learnt what it takes to really get into the trenches, and understand the people you're trying to serve. I thought that [Concern] served the principle that where you live should not decide whether you live or whether you die... [Concern] makes me very proud as an Irishman of what we're doing as a country.

I love this NGO. I have been so grateful for the work that you have done that has personally touched the work that our foundation has done in Haiti and in various places in Africa.

To be [in Haiti], to go into these places where people have literally nothing and then watch how Concern transforms those lives completely – gives people hope and a sense of empowerment – is completely moving and so important. I'm so happy that I've been here to witness it. I feel very lucky.

'Who is my neighbour?' Concern teaches us: 'My neighbour is all mankind.' There is heroic virtue in the work it does, [and by] helping Concern we can fulfil some of the great human obligations.

[Concern has] a capacity or ability to identify those humanitarian needs, not necessarily something that is in the press, something that is sexy.

The work Concern does here [in Malawi] to improve the livelihoods of people in local communities is life-changing.

I think everyone should take a few moments every day to remove themselves from the world that they live in – the lucky world they live in – I can assure them that there are millions of people across the world in worse places. I’ve seen first-hand how donations to Concern are genuinely put to work and they do make a difference.

The work that [Concern] are doing here [Kenya] is amazing. The teachers have done Concern’s literacy programme and they’re implementing it unbelievably effectively. The kids are being taught at a really high standard. They’re really getting that building block to go forward and do something with their lives.

I applaud Concern Worldwide’s efforts to bring senior policy makers and activists together in the fight against hunger.
Concern’s body of humanitarian work describes a unique and seamless continuum, from life-saving emergency response to life-building development work. Whether it is food distribution, building of houses, reuniting separated children, or feeding prisoners, Concern has one overriding goal: to address basic needs, and to restore to marginalised populations their fundamental human rights.
I have been familiar with the work of Concern for many years, and have been extremely impressed by the organisation’s commitment and ability in addressing humanitarian needs across the globe…What makes Concern exceptional, however, is that the organisation’s commitment to humanitarian rights remains in place long after the original crises have faded from news reports.
Concern not only does heroic deeds on the ground all over the poorest parts of the world, but it also is an innovator, and an important voice and a leader.
There’s no reason any child should have to face a lifetime of poverty. For over 32 years, Concern has worked to give children a chance, an education, a future. They have built schools, trained teachers and educated thousands of children around the world. If we don’t help the world’s poorest children, who will? Be assured, whatever you give to Concern to support vulnerable children will be used efficiently and effectively. Please join me and show your concern.
I salute Concern Worldwide as a hands-on humanitarian organisation. When I visited my home country Somalia in 1992, it was in the throes of a severe famine. There I met Concern volunteers, working in the midst of suffering people, with a commitment to caring where help is most needed.
Videos of our friends and supporters
Donal Skehan in Malawi with Concern: Part one
Donal Skehan in Malawi with Concern: Part two
Michael Darragh Mcauley in Kenya with Concern.
Toni Collette in Haiti with Concern.
President Michael D. Higgins, Amina J Mohammed, and Bill Clinton addressing Concern's Resurge 2018 conference.
Seamus Heaney and Kofi Annan speaking on the occasion of Concern's 40 year anniversary.
Our impact in 2023

people reached through our emergency response

people reached through our health interventions

people reached through our livelihoods programmes

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