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The Concern Global Citizenship Education Grants Scheme was introduced in 2012 as a part of Concern’s commitment to tackling the root causes of extreme poverty. The purpose of the scheme is to provide seed funding for organisations to deliver Global Citizenship Education projects across the Island of Ireland.
The grants scheme is open to applicants who intend to deliver a Global Citizenship Education (GCE) project. Concern defines GCE as “a lifelong learning process, based on the values of solidarity, equality, inclusion and co-operation. It enables people to move from basic awareness of international development priorities and sustainable human development, through understanding of the causes and effects of global issues, to personal and community involvement and informed action”. We accept that definitions of GCE differ slightly and so will use rational and judgement on this when reviewing applications.
The grants scheme is open to organisations who intend to work with:
- Youth in the non-formal education sector
- Adult and community education sector
- Higher Education Sector/Third Level institutes
- The Global Citizenship Education sector to build the profile of GCE or for advocacy purposes
Organisations must work with communities on the Island of Ireland.
Download the application pack here:
The deadline for the Concern Grants Scheme is: 1st January 2025.
Please send completed applications to: GCEGrants@concern.net