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Congratulations, you are very close to securing your Dublin Marathon charity place!
All you need to do is agree to our T&Cs, fill out the form below, and set up your fundraising page.
Terms and Conditions
If you are accepted for a charity place in the Dublin Marathon 2025, which is provided by Concern Worldwide, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
Minimum Fundraising Amount
I pledge to raise a minimum sponsorship of €1,200 for Concern Worldwide through my participation in the Event.
Create a Fundraising Page
In order to secure my place, I will create an online fundraising page on Eventmaster and lodge a non-refundable deposit fee of €150. This place will remain the property of the Concern Worldwide until I meet my fundraising targets.
Fundraising Date Deadlines
I will raise at least 33% (€400) (which includes my deposit by 21st July 2025), 80% of my minimum sponsorship by race day (26th October 2025), and I will raise 100% of my minimum sponsorship by the sponsorship deadline date (24th November 2025).
Communication with Concern Worldwide
I understand Concern Worldwide may contact me about my sponsorship and race day via email, or they may call me, leave me a voicemail, or text me. I will respond to Concern Worldwide as soon as I am able to.
I will keep Concern Worldwide informed of any changes to my contact details by calling (01) 417 7700 or emailing info.challenge@concern.net.
If Concern Worldwide do not hear back from me for a significant period of time after trying to contact me several times, I acknowledge this can result in Concern Worldwide withdrawing my charity place from the event.
Transferring your Charity Place
I acknowledge I cannot swap, sell, or transfer my charity place in the Event or allow anyone else to participate on my behalf. I will be aged 18 years or over on the date of the Event.
Right to Refuse
I understand that Concern Worldwide have the right to refuse registration or application for a charity place in an Event without providing reasons for doing so and at any time.
Withdrawing from the Marathon
I agree that if I withdraw for any reason prior to race day or on race, any monies raised before, on or after race day will be non-refundable and will be treated as a donation to Concern Worldwide. I will let Concern Worldwide know immediately if I must withdraw by emailing info.challenge@concern.net
Use of Concern Worldwide Content
I will not use the Concern Worldwide logo without permission and will obtain all fundraising materials from Concern Worldwide.
Liability of Concern Worldwide
I agree Concern Worldwide will not be held liable for any accident, injury or loss to my spectators, friends and/or family members on race day and that they watch at their own risk.
Responsibility of the Dublin Marathon Ltd
I understand that this Event is organised by The Dublin Marathon Events Ltd who is solely responsible for the conduct and operation of the Event, including all health and safety requirements. I will read the Terms and Conditions for the Event and will comply with any specific Event rules given by them.
Dublin Marathon Terms and Conditions
We’re here with advice and guidance on all your fundraising activities. We can also provide you with fundraising materials you might need.
Call us on 01 417 7777 or email: info.challenge@concern.net.