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Concern is partnering with Promundo-US and HOPEM to shift the Linking Agribusiness and Nutrition (LAN) project from a gender-sensitive approach to one that is gender-transformative.

To implement a gender-transformative program means to challenge the underlying gender norms and practices that perpetuate inequality between men and women, as well as inequality among men and among women. At the heart of such an approach is the active questioning of what it means to be a man or woman in society and how such expectations can cause harm not only to those around them but to themselves.
As a result of the formative research, initial training and the training of trainers, the manual that will support the field agents to facilitate the ‘Clube de Dialogos’ at a community level has been tested and finalized, and currently session are being implemented at a community level.
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of several donors, including Irish Aid and UK Aid. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect the policies of any donors.