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Evaluation of the Skills, Income and Livelihoods in Karamoja programme
This is the final evaluation report of the Skills, Income and Livelihoods on Karamoja Programme (SILK). According to the evaluation the design of the intervention was contextually and culturally relevant, but some challenges were not fully identified in the design phase.
The evaluation of the SILK programme was conducted in September 2017 in order to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact of the programme. The evaluation process was participatory and included all three districts targeted by the programme: Moroto (Nadunget and Katikekile sub counties), Nakapiripirit (Nabilatuk and Lolachat sub counties), and Napak (Matany and Lokopo sub counties). The final evaluation aimed to systematically identify the programme’s successes and challenges and to highlight lessons learned and future opportunities for supporting youth livelihoods, income generation and food security in Karamoja.
Download the evaluation report:
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