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Knowledge Matters – Private Sector and Social Enterprise Engagement 2022
Welcome to the latest edition of Knowledge Matters, from August 2022 which showcases the diverse ways that Concern has been engaging with private sector and social enterprises.

This issue of Knowledge Matters shows Concern's work engaging with private sector and social enterprises in a number of different countries through:
- Shared value partnerships, comprising collaborative programme development/co-creation and implementation, technical expertise and advisory support, service provision;
- Private sector development and engagement, including facilitation of market linkages through value chains and financial inclusion;
- Funding support.
The articles examine both the rationale and process for those engagements, demonstrates the added value of these diverse partnerships to Concern’s programming and, most importantly, their contribution to bringing impactful and sustainable outcomes in the lives of programme participants and the wider communities in countries where Concern works.
The articles do not exhaustively capture all Concern’s work with private sector and social enterprises to date, but illustrates a strong cross-section of varied and insightful examples from Concern’s programming in Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Somalia, South Sudan and Pakistan.
This publication covers aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of several donors, including Irish Aid, UK Aid, The European Union and USAID. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect the policies of any donors.