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Cutting disease risk after Hurricane Matthew

The aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Photo: Concern Worldwide
The aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Photo: Concern Worldwide
News7 October 2016Craig Burnett

Concern has been giving vital help to Hurricane Matthew survivors in Haiti. The death toll in the country has risen to over 300, and there are fears of a major cholera outbreak.

Concern’s 130 Haiti-based staff have been giving out essential items like water cleaning tablets, which can help prevent the spread of life-threatening diseases.

This weekend the team will be joined by experts from Concern’s rapid deployment unit. They are also working closely with other aid agencies to help those living through the emergency.

Country Director Nellie Kingston said: “The situation here is worsening by the day as more bodies are found and the level of damage caused to buildings, homes, roads, water and other services are realised.

“Crops and livestock were also swept away by the winds and floods and vital roads and bridges have collapsed.

“There is a very severe risk of a rise in people getting cholera. The lethal water-borne disease killed over 10,000 people after the devastating earthquake in 2010 that claimed over 300,000 lives.

“For us, now that the storm has passed, the real work begins.

“We have also prevented things from happening because all aid agencies here have been working on mitigation strategies.”

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