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GDPR and Concern: what does it mean for you?
Concern processes your data to provide you with information about Concern, or to carry out any obligations arising from contracts we may enter into with you, or provide you with information and services that you’ve requested.
Practically every communication we’ve received this week has either referred to it or changes to privacy policies, or was a plaintive appeal to agree to continue to receive email, phone or text communications. Its arrival seems very timely, not least because 2018 witnessed a host of data scandals involving social media sites, election campaigns and so on.
Impact on you
So as a Concern supporter, what does it mean for you? In summary, the GDPR gives control to you over how others view, use and store your personal information i.e. any data that can explicitly identify you. This includes your name, face, home address, email address, phone number, passport number, and so on.
Concern as a data controller
Under GDPR, Concern is a ‘data controller’. We process your data to provide you – as long as you agree to receive it – with information about Concern, or to carry out any obligations arising from contracts we may enter into with you, or provide you with information and services that you’ve requested.
The seven principles
Everything we do with your data is subject to seven principles:
- Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: clarity around why we have the data, and does the individual know what we’re doing with it.
- Purpose limitation: we can only use the data for the purpose for which you gave permission.
- Data minimisation: we will only collect and use the minimum amount of data needed to fulfil this purpose.
- Accuracy: we will keep your data up to date.
- Storage limitation: if we don’t need it, we won’t keep it.
- Integrity and confidentiality: we will keep data secure, encrypted and password protected
- Accountability: we will document our compliance
It’s been a journey
Concern has been prepared for the launch of GDPR since early 2017. We’ve reviewed and, where necessary, updated our systems to ensure compliance. We’ve trained all of our staff so they are GDPR aware. We’ve appointed a Data Protection Officer (email him here). We’ve reviewed and updated privacy statements and other policies; and we’ve worked closely with third party service providers to ensure that they are also GDPR compliant.
While it’s been a journey, we are very happy to comply with the very high standards the GDPR has introduced around how we collect, use and protect data. Anything which improves the transparency of our operations, and increases public confidence in our work, is to be not only warmly welcomed but actively embraced.
Further information
- If you want to read more about GDPR and how it affects you, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner has an excellent website: https://www.GDPRandYou.ie.
- Concern’s privacy statement is here: https://www.concern.net/about/privacy
- Concern’s cookie policy is here: https://www.concern.net/about/cookie-policy
Get in touch
If you wish to update your contact preferences, please call our wonderful supporter support team on 01 417 7777 or email preferences@concern.net.
Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy statement are welcomed and should be addressed to:
The Data Protection Officer
Concern Worldwide
52/55 Lower Camden Street
or DPO@concern.net or call 01 417 7700.