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New event to focus on resilient health systems ahead of N4G Summit

Aminata Abdoulaye (20) and her son Hassane (9 months), Niger. Photo: Ollivier Girard / Concern Worldwide
Aminata Abdoulaye (20) and her son Hassane (9 months), Niger. Photo: Ollivier Girard / Concern Worldwide
News15 November 2021

Building resilient health systems will be the focus of an upcoming panel discussion, hosted by Concern Worldwide, in advance of the Nutrition For Growth summit.

The side event will take place on Tuesday 23 November and will bring together experts from across the humanitarian and development sector to explore how resilient health systems can be effectively strengthened to prevent and treat malnutrition with ‘Quality Funding’ that is multi-annual, flexible and predictable.

Moderated by Concern's Nutrition Advisor Kate Golden, the webinar will feature presentations will draw on lessons learned from several years of work focused on building the resilience of nutrition services - with contributions from:

  • Dr Ousmane Nassirou, Director of the Ministry of Public Health of Niger
  • Amina Abdullah, Regional Director for the Horn of Africa with Concern
  • Patrick McManus, Deputy Head of Policy Unit with Irish Aid 
  • Spokesperson from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).

"This webinar brings together experts with a wide range of experience in working to build resilience into health systems and to reduce the devastating consequences of undernutrition in fragile contexts. It is an opportunity to reflect on the current funding models used to support this important work, and to explore how these can be improved upon to enable better nutrition outcomes".

Aoife Black - ERNE Coordinator, Concern Worldwide

The presentations will examine integration of severe wasting services into health systems; increasing the shock-responsiveness of wasting services; initiation of the community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) model and the CMAM Surge model, which enables government health teams to respond to relative changes in capacity and caseload.

In addition, there will be insights into the ongoing work by the Government of Niger to strengthen the resilience of the health system to promote better nutrition outcomes; the EU collaborative actions to reduce stunting in children, bringing together humanitarian action, long term development cooperation and ongoing political engagement; and Irish Aid’s approach to supporting resilient health systems to address malnutrition.

Nutrition for Growth Summit

The Nutrition for Growth Summit, hosted by the Government of Japan from 7–8 December 2021, will convene a cross-section of stakeholders to announce final financial and policy commitments and chart the path toward Zero Hunger by 2030 with concrete recommendations to the global community.

It is a key moment, marking the end of the Nutrition for Growth Year of Action and the core themes will include Health, Resilience and Finance.

Ahead of this vital event, the webinar will provide attendees with a strong understanding of the links between stronger health systems and multi-annual, flexible and predictable funding and how quality funding is key to best improve impacts in terms of nutrition outcomes for children and adults in fragile countries.

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