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Joanne Callanan raising funds during the Concern Fast. Photo: Kevin Carroll.Joanne Callanan raising funds during the Concern Fast. Photo: Kevin Carroll.Joanne Callanan raising funds during the Concern Fast. Photo: Kevin Carroll.

Six ways to boost your fundraising pot

Six ways to boost your fundraising pot

Looking for some top tips to help you reach your fundraising goal? Here are six handy tips gathered from seasoned fundraisers which will no doubt help maximise the amount of money you raise!

1. Make a list

First things first, make a list of all your potential fundraising sources. Think about friends, family, work colleagues, local schools, pubs, clubs, etc. You might be surprised at the number of people who are more than happy to help support your fundraiser.

Woman making notes. Photo: Unspalsh.
Woman making notes. Photo: Unspalsh.

2. Set the pace

Don’t send your fundraising request to everyone initially. Play it cool and first approach the people who are most likely to give you the most first. This starts your fundraising page off well and suggests an amount for sponsorship to other potential donors.

3. Use your social media

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, whatever channels you might use, use them all to your advantage. Spread the word online about what you’re doing and why. You might find that you end up being sponsored by people you haven’t heard from in years!

Social media icons. Photo: Unsplash.
Social media icons. Photo: Unsplash.

4. Take part as a group

Encourage friends or family members to take part in your fundraiser with you and sign up as a group. Remember, there’s strength in numbers and this will give you a wider pool of people to fundraise from and also, have a bit more fun while doing it too.

Group activity. Photo: Unspalsh.
Group activity. Photo: Unspalsh.

5. Get a sponsorship card

The old ways are sometimes the best. If you drop us a mail, we can send you a classic hard copy sponsorship card to use for people who just don’t go online. It’s easy to forget that not everyone is online and you could be missing out on a fortune otherwise.

6. Be loud and proud

Enjoy yourself! Fundraising for Concern is a noble endeavor. You should be proud of what you are doing. Don’t be shy about telling people about your event and, more importantly, why you are doing it. You are supporting a wonderful cause and everyone should know.

Start your own

Interested in setting up a fundraiser for Concern? Join thousands of people around the world and help make a change.

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