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Concern congratulates its ambassador Michael Darragh Macauley after his retirement from inter-county football

Dublin footballer Michael Darragh Macauley with two Syrian boys in Iraq where he visisted refugees being helped by Concern Worldwide in November 2019. Photo by Gavin Douglas of Concern Worldwide
Dublin footballer Michael Darragh Macauley with two Syrian boys in Iraq where he visisted refugees being helped by Concern Worldwide in November 2019. Photo by Gavin Douglas of Concern Worldwide

Irish humanitarian organisation Concern Worldwide has congratulated its ambassador Michael Darragh Macauley on a marvellous sporting career after he announced his retirement from inter-county football today.

Concern’s Chief Executive, Dominic MacSorley, praised the sporting icon for his ongoing humanitarian work with the aid agency.

He said: “Concern applauds Michael Darragh for what has been an illustrious sporting career and also for the incredible charitable work he continues to do off the pitch both here in Ireland and overseas.

“He has creatively and compassionately used his profile to help Concern raise awareness of our work – which has included him visiting Syrian refugee children in Iraq and extremely poor children living in slums in Kenya.

“Michael Darragh is a remarkable footballer and a committed and compassionate humanitarian. We wish him well and look forward to working more with him in the future.”

Last November, Michael Darragh was presented with his an award from Concern for his outstanding commitment with the aid agency.


For media queries, please contact Kevin Jenkinson on 0853582886 or at   


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