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COP28 must provide increased support for low income countries impacted by climate change

Press release29 November 2023
An aerial view of extensive flooding in Baidoa, Somalia
An aerial view of Salameey Bridge, Baidoa, Somalia, as flood waters flow over it. The torrential rains damaged roads, bridges, houses and makeshift shelters of the thousands of internally displaced people. Last year the area was at the epicentre of the worst drought in 40 years. Photo: Concern Worldwide

Global leaders must make progress on increasing levels of climate financing at COP28, as well as delivering on existing funding commitments, and ensuring funds reach the world’s poorest countries which are severely impacted by climate change, Concern Worldwide warned today.

She highlighted the drought which has ravaged Somalia for the last two years is currently being followed by the worst flooding in 35 years. “Bridges have been washed away and homes and farms destroyed,” she said. “The evidence we are seeing in Somalia and in communities facing devastating floods, droughts, heatwaves, cyclones and rising sea levels means global leaders must urgently escalate measures to help those impacted.”

Through the UN climate process, high income countries committed to allocate US$100 billion annually by 2020 through to 2025 to help low income countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change. “COP28 must show if that commitment has been delivered upon and provide a clear pathway to ensure it is achieved,” she said.

Climate finance agreements made at COP28 must also ensure funding reaches countries that need it most. Low income countries where there is conflict and which are impacted by climate change often have greater difficulty securing climate finance.

Low income countries

“Low income countries are exposed to some of the most severe climate impacts, have the least capacity to adapt, and find it hardest to recover,” Ms Ní Chéilleachair said. “They also have the fewest resources available with which to respond. They urgently require international support to help them deal with the impacts of climate change.”

Mechanisms must also be strengthened to ensure that climate finance is used effectively and reaches impacted communities.

For media queries or to arrange interviews contact Eamon Timmins, Media Relations Manager, Concern Worldwide, at or 087 9880524

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