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Scaling up nutrition: lessons from Zambia
Zambia has experienced a decline in the prevalence of stunting since 1990 but the number of children stunted has increased due to high population growth. Recognising this, the government developed the National Food and Nutrition Policy Framework (2006), followed by the National Food and Nutrition Strategic Plan (2011-15).
The SUN movement
Since then, the Zambian government has made promising and ambitious commitments to tackle the issue by, for example, joining the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement in 2010. By signing up to the SUN movement, Zambia signaled to the world its determination to end malnutrition. The work of the SUN movement in Zambia has generated a huge number of lessons. These lessons are critical to any efforts that seek to scale up nutrition. The lessons from Zambia have been captured in three interlinked case studies.
Case studies
The case studies all address specific aspects of how best to sustain any scaling up nutrition effort. The look at innovation, investment and creating movements. All the case studies can be downloaded below.