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Water in the Desert: A photo story from Pakistan

Lakhu minds the children, including little Arjun, while his wife fetches water. Photo: Sharjeel Arif / Concern Worldwide.
Lakhu minds the children, including little Arjun, while his wife fetches water. Photo: Sharjeel Arif / Concern Worldwide.
News23 June 2017Clare Ahern

In the second of our reports from Pakistan's Thar Desert, we look at the difficulties of accessing water during prolonged drought. With support from ECHO, the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department, we are working with communities to address the challenges. 

People gather with jerrycans and other containers to collect water from a tanker cistern in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip

Gaza Emergency Appeal

  • 1.9 million people displaced

  • 2.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance

  • People need nutrition support, medical assistance, and water, sanitation and hygiene services

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