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Concern CEO: Stockholm agreement signifies hope for 24 million civilians in Yemen

Press release18 December 2018

Concern Worldwide CEO Dominic MacSorley has welcomed the Hodeidah ceasefire announcement, saying it is a significant step forward for the 24 million Yemeni civilians who are in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

Dominic MacSorley - CEO, Concern Worldwide meets with locals in Central African Republic. Photo: Kieran McConville / Concern Worldwide.
Dominic MacSorley - CEO, Concern Worldwide meets with locals in Central African Republic. Photo: Kieran McConville / Concern Worldwide.

Speaking ahead of a Seanad motion on Yemen, he also recognised UN Special Envoy Martin Griffith’s critical involvement in the peace talks.

The Stockholm agreement represents the first real breakthrough for UN-led peace efforts following five years of conflict.

The ceasefire between the two warring parties is due to get underway today (Tuesday, December 18).

Working with an experienced NGO partner on the ground that has been working in Yemen since 2012, Concern has been supporting life-saving humanitarian assistance such as water and sanitation programmes along with support to vulnerable household’s livelihoods through cash transfer programmes since 2017.

Cautiously welcoming the recent agreement, Concern CEO Dominic MacSorley said:

“Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with extreme levels of need created by conflict and severely limited access to humanitarian assistance. Basic services such as healthcare and sanitation have shut down, the economy is on the verge of collapse and people are suffering from severe levels of malnutrition.

“This agreement, which includes the withdrawal of troops from the port city of Hodeidah, the opening of road access to Sana’a and a plan for humanitarian corridors to the city of Taiz, means that much-needed humanitarian assistance should reach innocent civilians sooner rather than later.”

Regional Director, Ros O’Sullivan, who oversees Concern’s emergency operations and has visited Yemen said:

“Every effort is needed now to ensure that civilians get assistance and that more NGOs can access people, who desperately need aid.”

For an interview with Ros O’Sullivan, please contact Media Relations Manager Catriona Loughran on 086 783 3836 or email at

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